MIDI Drivers Download

Driver Update Instructions

Step 1. Click "Save File" and download the file.

(Click here if your download doesn't start in a moment)
Step 2. Double click on the file and in the security box click "Run".


Driver Update Instructions   Update Drivers

How To Update Your MIDI Drivers

Step 1. Start The Driver Scan
Download the the software for free, run the installer and click the scan now button. You can download the latest version by clicking here.

Start Driver Scan

Step 4. Review The Scan Results
After a few seconds and thorough scan of your system you will be presented with a personalized report detailing on out of date drivers, missing drivers and up to date drivers.

Scan Summary

Step 5. Choose Device Drivers
The software will automatically download the correct drivers for all your hardware devices.

Device Drivers

Step 6. Download Drivers
The software will automatically download the correct drivers for your devices.

Download Drivers

Operating System:
Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000

Download Details:
Free to try for Windows 10, XP, Vista, Windows 7 & 8
Price $29.95 for a 1 year license

Satisfaction Guarantee Privacy Protection

Money back guarantee: There is a 60 day money-back guarantee for all orders. Driver Updates will scan your computer for suitable drivers and automatically download them all in an easy way.

MIDI is an industry-standard protocol that enables electronic musical instruments and other electronic equipment (MIDI controllers, sound cards, samplers) to communicate and synchronize with each other.

MIDI produces drivers the following products and hardware devices:

Drum Machine
Sound Card

Quickly fixed my MIDI webcam driver

"I bought a new MIDI webcam but it didn't work properly and the manufacturer's website didn't help at all. I found out that the driver that came with the product was 6 months out of date! Your site got me the latest driver automatically and now my whole system performs better, especially the games."

-- James Peet - New York, US

New life for an old PC

"Great software! I was having some trouble finding the correct drivers for my sound card. I scanned my computer and found not only my audio drivers but all of the latest drivers I needed."

-- Kari Millar - London, UK

Got my printer working

"I am impressed by how easy to use the program is. It saves me so much time and effort. Thank you for all the help and assistance."

-- Anita Ruddy - Chicago, US

Driver Updates uses award-winning cloud technology to conveniently update multiple PC drivers simultaneously and in proper sequence. Drivers may also be available for free directly from manufacturers' websites. Driver Updates is $29.95 for a one-year license. Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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